Monday, April 18, 2011

Costa Rica -- La Selva towers

Well, this is FINALLY my last post from Carlos' and my previous Costa Rica trip (over a month ago at this point - wargh!). These are pictures that Carlos and I took from the tall towers that were recently erected in the primary forest at La Selva (recently = about 2 years ago...). There are three towers total and two of them are connected by a little bridge. I am not afraid of heights, but being up so high when the wind begins to blow was a little frightening -- these towers definitely sway in the wind (and make a little whistling sound as the wind blows through the metal pipes).

We had a great time enjoying the view of the canopy (a sight I never get to see when I am running around the understory chasing agoutis and peccaries). We even saw a turkey vulture (from above!) as he was flying around us.

And so ends this batch of Costa Rica pictures. I am actually leaving for Costa Rica again (short 10-day trip this time) in a few days. I will be in La Selva for 5 days at a science education workshop and after that, Deedra (director of La Selva) and I will be traveling to a few sites around the country to prepare for our tropical biology course in June/July. I just can't seem to stay away from Costa Rica for too long!

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