Tuesday, February 05, 2013

MagFest 2013

On 2 January 2013 Carlos and I took a shuttle out to National Harbor, MD to check in at the ultra-fancy Gaylord National Hotel for MagFest 2013! MagFest is an annual music and gaming festival and lasted from 3-6 January this year. There are concerts, video games (console and arcade), panels, and tons of other things to do during the convention/festival. Every day was so much fun and Carlos and I spent lots of time in the arcade playing (for free) all of the games that were there. I made a little collage of the signs from some of our favorites (at the top of this post). There was also an entire room full of TVs and every console known to man, which were open to play. The arcade and console rooms were open 24 hours a day for the entirety of MagFest and we went down one night (around 2 am) and played in our pajamas -- it was so much fun!

We went to some concerts (my favorite was the Triforce Quartet -- a string quartet that plays songs from all the Zelda games). It was so much fun to be surrounded by my people and Carlos, even though he really isn't a video game nerd like me, had a lot of fun too! If we are still in DC during January of next year (which we probably won't be), I would love to go to MagFest again!

Whew, and with this post I am FINALLY caught up on everything fun that I did over the holidays. Next I have some things to post about from here in Costa Rica!

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