Thursday, September 26, 2013

Birthday fun 2013

On the weekend before last I celebrated my 32nd birthday (as my Dad would say, I am now "well into my 30's!") and it was pretty great. Carlos and I made a peaches and cream cheesecake the night before so that we could have a proper birthday breakfast (This cheesecake is also known as Jungle Pie as we made it in the wild jungles of La Selva, Costa Rica for a past birthday with Mom and Judy).  I opened up presents from my family and friends and everything was so nice--I took some pictures of my awesome loot:

We spent the day (it was a Sunday) relaxing and playing video games (something I rarely get time to do these days!) and it was awesome to take a break. That evening, Carlos took me out to dinner at Founding Farmers (this is a Kuprewicz family tradition that started about a year and a half ago when we celebrated my Dad's birthday with dinner there). We had too much tasty food and wandered home after a fun, mellow day!

1 comment:

Cupcake said...

Where are the pictures of the box from Carlos? :p