Saturday, December 07, 2013


Last weekend, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Carlos and I ventured out to Eastern Market to buy a little Christmas tree for our place. We usually don't put up a tree at home because we travel during Christmas, however this year we really wanted to have a little tree around to look at.

There were lots of options at Eastern Market and we decided to buy a cute little Fraser Fir that we call Treebert! Carlos carried him home and we gave him (the tree, not Carlos) water right away. We strung some colorful lights on Treebert and decorated him with all of our ornaments and it was a perfect fit! Most of our ornaments are souvenirs from our travels around the world (we try to bring an ornament home to commemorate each trip) so it is nice to reminisce about our trips while looking at Treebert.

Yes, that tree topper is an agouti and yes, he has "drunk eyes" just like the drunk angel that tops our tree at my parents' house!

We leave for Washington state on 17 December and we will be gone for 12 days so we aren't too sure what to do with Treebert when we leave. Maybe we can fill up the tub and stick him in there for the duration of our trip...

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