Friday, July 04, 2014

Where did June go? We were in MEXICO

Wow, poor blog--yet again I have been neglecting it. Carlos and I have been traveling around Costa Rica and Mexico for the past two months so I haven't had any time to update and actually didn't post ANYTHING for the entire month of June! We are back in DC for two weeks before we jet off to Cairns, Australia for the annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC). Sheesh, I will be really glad when all of this hectic summer travel is over.

While we were in Mexico, we taught on a field course, explored Veracruz, Xalapa, and Coatepec (where we will live come September) and established our temporary residencies. We spent a few days at INECOL (Instituto de EcologĂ­a), the research institute where Carlos and I will begin working this fall. The campus is really nice and contains an amazing botanic garden and even a large patch of montane forest that you walk through to get from one part of campus to another! Here are some photos from the garden and inside the building where Carlos' office is located.

We had a great (although busy!) time in Mexico. We were especially impressed by the landscape,  friendliness of the people, and the food! Stay tuned for some more random photos from our wanderings around Coatepec (including our new house)!

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