Monday, September 17, 2007

Birthday week 'o fun

My mom and her friend Judy were here at La Selva from last Tuesday and they just left yesterday morning. It was really fun having them here to see the rain forest and all the little animals therein. We had a good time wandering the trails in secondary and primary forest and we saw a lot of nice animals (monkeys, poison dart frogs, owls, agoutis, squirrels, trogons) and best of snakes!

My birthday was on Saturday and after breakfast, we went back to the house where mom and Judy were staying and opened presents--I got lots of great stuff: DVDs (X-Files, My Neighbor Totoro from Carlos), books (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Cute Book), a game for my little pink Nintendo DS Lite, and tons of other cool stuff! Since it was raining pretty hard that morning, mom, Judy, and I stayed inside reading, watching DVDs, and making pies (peaches and cream cheesecake--my favorite). I made a little felt bear from The Cute Book which has patterns, cute pictures, and descriptions (fun Japanese translations) for different critters you can make: from bear and fish to bad guy and kidnapper--what a weird book! We had a little party that night with my friends on station and we all ate delicious cake and snacks.

Mom and Judy left yesterday after about a week of rain forest fun and now they are back in Washington where there is rain but definitely not as much as there is here!

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