Sunday, December 14, 2008

One week countdown!

Wow, I just realized that a week from today I will be back in Washington with my family! I am really excited to be returning to the states and especially to be visiting Washington (it's been 2 years since I've been home). I will be in Washington for almost 2 weeks before me, Carlos, my mom, and dad all drive to Las Vegas to visit my sister and to celebrate a late Christmas all together.

In Washington, there are lots of things I am planning to get done -- visit the dentist, get a haircut, shop for new, non-field clothes (I barely have any!), and plan out the drive back to Miami. I am also excited to do a bunch of fun things with my family and friends. Here are a few places I plan to visit during my Washington stay:

- Woodland Park Zoo
- Seattle Art Museum
- Half Price Books
- Todai
- Uwajimaya
- Trader Joe's
- Capitol Hill/Broadway

I still need to do a little Christmas present shopping, so I will also be able to visit a couple malls during my stay -- it is going to be a big culture-shock to return to Washington after living and working in Costa Rica for 2.5 years!

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