Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Poster done

Today I printed out the full, final version of my poster that I will present at the ATBC conference! I am glad to have this stressful task finished -- the final product is (L x W) 4' x 3'. I had to be careful and wait one hour for the ink to dry before I could roll it up. Then I carefully boxed it up (in a random FedEx poster box) and toted it home. I need to go to the USPS store to buy a cardboard tube so I can carry it on the plane and from Frankfurt to Marburg. I am still undecided as to what I will do with my poster at the end of the conference. I will be traveling around central, western, and southern Germany for a few days post-conference and I don't really want to drag around a poster and big accompanying tube! On the other hand, I am really proud of my poster and I want to hang it up outside my office (this actually kind of expected of us -- to show off our work to other students, professors, and the public) so I shouldn't just throw it away. Hmmmm...what should I do?

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