Monday, December 07, 2009

Another zoo visit!

After a little blog-break, I am back! Yesterday, Carlos and I took advantage of the sunny but cool (~70 F) weather and visited the Miami Metro Zoo -- one of my favorite zoos (and, apparently, one of "America's top ten zoos")! We looked at a bunch of the holiday decorations that are out (including scarecrows and animal-shaped lights) and spent most of our time in the Asian exhibits.

We stopped at a few exhibits along our way to the Wings of Asia aviary (one of my favorite places in this zoo, as I've mentioned many times before!). We were very lucky this morning since we saw lots of birds that we had never seen before and they were all really active and talkative! It was also nice in the aviary since it was still early (10 am) and no one was there, but us (and the birds).

From there, we wandered over to see the Asian small-clawed otters -- they were supposed to be fed Christmas pine cones at noon. They didn't get pine cones, but a keeper fed these three fellows live fishies and it was so cool to watch them swim, chase, and catch the fish.

By the time we were done watching the otters, it was getting hot and crowded so we left, stopped at Costco (it's near the zoo), and came home -- what a fun day!

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