Friday, October 15, 2010


It's been pretty busy 'round these parts recently and that hasn't left me with much time for blogging. Boo. I also don't have any interesting pictures to show because I have mostly been working at the museum in the office and writing papers. Things on that front are going well and I am preparing a manuscript for submission in a top ecology journal. We shall see if it will be accepted! I am also working on ideas for a post-doc position that I want to apply for involving hyper-abundant native herbivores (in this case peccaries, which I worked with in Costa Rica for my Ph.D) and how they may facilitate plant invasions. I need to write up a project outline and get in touch with a potential advisor at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) and then start working on that fellowship application.

I am really liking Washington DC right now -- we are finally getting some nice, crispy cool fall weather -- time to break out the sweaters and coats! I can't believe that it was about a year ago now (last week in fact) that Carlos and I were here scouting out the place and visiting the museum -- we had no idea we would be living here then! It seems like that trip (and also the trip visiting with my UCSB friends here) was a ton of time ago...I guess I was pretty busy last year!

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