Saturday, December 11, 2010

Recently: Raclette!

Things here have been way too busy recently. I have been pretty busy in the museum recently (starting a new contract with a botany lab and giving a seminar last Wednesday) and I have also been overall busy preparing/buying/making holiday/birthday gifts for everyone and getting ready to travel back to Washington (state) for the holidays.

Carlos comes back to DC Monday night (after being in the field for 1.5 months!) and we are leaving 2 days after that! I am really excited to go home and see my family and friends again -- I hope it doesn't snow there too much this year.

Anyway, I have plenty of crafty things to blog about, but that would spoil some holiday card/present surprises for people so I will have to refrain from posting until later (wah). In the meantime, I have recently discovered raclette cheese -- kind of like fondue but easier to deal with. I roasted some tiny yellow potatoes (awesome ones from Trader Joe's) in olive oil and sea salt then put some sliced raclette over the potatoes and cooked them a little longer -- it's a nice little dinner!

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