Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Apple time!

'Tis well into the fall season and that means the leaves are changing (and falling on my car) and apples are everywhere! At the Eastern Market Farmer's Market last weekend, I went to buy cucumbers (they sell really good ones there), but they weren't there -- I guess cucumber season is over. BUT, there were lots and lots of apples in many varieties! These apples are from a farm in Virginia and they are really good (they taste way better than grocery store apples). I had more apples than this, but I ate lots of them before I took this photo.

On the left are 2 Honeycrisp apples, in the middle is 1 Winesap apple (a new favorite!), and on the right is a Cameo apple. I am eating at least one apple a day and I need to go stock up next weekend and try some new varieties too!

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