Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mockingbird frugivory

(image from
Today, as I was reading on the couch with the balcony door open, I heard some snapping sounds. Huh? I looked outside and saw a big mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) pecking away at a poor, defenseless Everglades tomato! Carlos and I had seen evidence of his attacks previous to this one in the form of little, partially-pecked tomatoes (they kind of looked like little exploded tomatoes) and guessed that some bird was chomping on them. I scared him off, but saw another tomato that he had killed too. I harvested all of the mostly-ripe tomatoes, but I will have to be quick to get ripe fruits picked before he comes back. Maybe we will have to make a bird exclosure? I hope this won't be like the anole incident of last season...

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