Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Manatees, frozen yogurt, Whole Foods = Field trip

This afternoon, Carlos and I took a nice long walk around town -- field trip! Our main goal was to visit the recently-opened frozen yogurt place called Yogen Früz and on our way there, we stopped by the usual canal to look for manatees. We saw 12 -- including a couple little babies! They are so cute and it is really fun to just sit and watch them float along and poke their noses out of the water from time to time.

After manatee-watching, we were hungry for yogurt and made our way to Yogen Früz. I first went to a Yogen Früz in Cartagena, Colombia and it was so delicious -- one of the best frozen yogurts ever! They take a vanilla yogurt cube and you choose a frozen fruit to add, then things are smooshed together in a cool machine and you get one tasty homogeneous mixture! I had lychee and Carlos had kiwi -- kiwi is my favorite! We will definitely make another trip here in the near future.

From Yogen Früz, we walked to Whole foods and picked up a couple things before continuing on our way and stopping by the canal again to ogle more manatees. The weather here is really beautiful (70 F and sunny with a light breeze). We will have to take another long walk soon and maybe I can get some manatee pictures!

1 comment:

Jubie said...

Wow, that sounds like a perfect day!