Thursday, March 25, 2010

Busy week!

This week has been really busy, but also full of getting things done! I turned in my complete dissertation (100 pages of text + random front matter) on Monday. This means that I don't have to look at it anymore until after my defense (when I have to revise it according to recommendations from my committee). The final copies aren't due until 12 May, but I will definitely have it finished before that.

Now that the writing is done (for now), I am working on my defense presentation. This is a 50 minute-long talk open to the public and basically showing everyone what I did for my dissertation research. I need to get this talk done before Tuesday because I am presenting it to my lab group on Tuesday morning. I am not too worried about the talk because I've given so many talks about my research that I've lost count! It will still be nerve-wracking to give (that never changes no matter how much practice you have), but I know it will run smoothly. I give my defense talk in 2 weeks! Immediately after my talk, the defense begins. Basically, your committee barrages you with questions about your research and you have to defend your work and written dissertation. I don't really know what to expect for this, but I know my stuff so it will be fine.

Phew, Carlos and I have also been making plans for our getaway after graduation in May. We've decided to visit Walt Disney World for a few days -- they are having really good deals for Florida residents. It will be relaxing and fun to get out of Miami for a week! I can't wait for my defense to be over so that I can get back to more planning for my France trip too!

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