Tuesday, July 27, 2010

No power here...argh

Well, it has been quite a week so far! There was a HUGE storm on Sunday (around 3 pm) and it knocked out our power -- which is STILL out (and might not be restored until Thursday)! Winds were over hurricane force in Rockville (which is where Carlos and I are staying) and even reached 90 mph! The yard is a mess with downed branches everywhere and a big tree that smashed one of the chain-link fences. We have to purge all of the food in the fridge and freezer this afternoon because it is beyond salvageable. Boo. I thought we left this stormy stuff behind in Florida!

Anyway, I am at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum right now, enjoying the A/C and power outlets that are giving my phone and computer some juice. I will post some more once power is restored to the house!

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