Saturday, June 04, 2011

Recipe craft project

I am now in Costa Rica (Hotel Rincon de San Jose, in San Jose) with a surprisingly strong internet connection (I am even able to use skype!) so I thought I would work on one (of the many) things that I've had to place on the posting back-burner for my blog!

Before I left for the summer, I was working on a little project involving recipe cards of my favorite foods that I make often. Right now I have most of my recipes in electronic format on my computer and it is annoying to not have hard copies that I can keep in the kitchen and consult while cooking. So in my "free" time, I worked on a few little recipe cards to put in a little wooden cigar box that I found at the flea market.

Here is an example (a recipe for one of my favorite soups -- gazpacho!):

I've finished a few more, but I am not going to post them until I am closer to being done with this project!

While in Costa Rica for two months, I do not know how often I will be able to post (not all of the sites we will visit on the OTS course have internet and I will not have a lot of down time once the course begins on Tuesday). I might be able to post again in a couple of weeks when I am in La Selva!

1 comment:

Jubie said...

Yes, this is so awesome! And that gazpacho is delish, I can attest to that. :)