Sunday, October 05, 2008

La Selva 40th anniversary

La Selva Biological Station celebrated its 40th year of existence last night! It has been 40 years since OTS (the Organization for Tropical Studies) purchased a large tract of old-growth forested land from biologist Leslie Holdridge and transformed it into a research station. In four decades, La Selva has really grown and become a prominent center for neotropical forest research -- if not the most prominent tropical research station in the world. I feel very lucky to be able to conduct research here and interact with the many eminent tropical biologists who also work and pass through La Selva.

The festivities last night included a screening of a video chronicling La Selva's history and current outreach programs, snacks and wine, traditional music and dancing, and (my favorite) fireworks. They shot the fireworks so that you could see them burst over the canopy while walking across the bridge -- kind of weird, but really cool at the same time!

I hope La Selva continues down its path of scientific excellence for at least another 40 years!

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