Monday, October 13, 2008

What an odd little day...

The morning started off with a little drizzle and rain storm, but I was a little confused because the sun was out and shining away and there weren't any clouds overhead! Hmmm...oh meteorology. Anyway, it has been a funny day of off-and-on rain showers and I usually end up getting a little wet when I am out in the field because I never bring my umbrella (I really don't mind it though). My umbrella is pretty broken anyway and if I am in the forest I get wet from all the incident moisture on the leaves of plants that I walk into -- not from the sky! We have been having pretty regular thunder and lightning storms each night too, but the days are nice and I am able to get a lot of work done in the field -- I am really glad that I work with diurnal (day-active) animals -- thanks agoutis and peccaries!

In other news, in about an hour there will be a little "happy hour" over in the station director's house. These little get-togethers are pretty fun and full of delicious snacks and sodas (along with wine and beer if you are so inclined). Today all the researchers are meeting to chat with a pair of wealthy donors that like science and might want to make some donations to La Selva. Woo-hoo!

PS. Today I wished that we would have cake for lunch (this happens sometimes but is VERY uncommon). It was a researcher's birthday and someone brought a tasty cake! Yay -- maybe I am psychic? ...or is that psycho? Hehehehe. He. he...

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