Tuesday, October 27, 2009

DC -- Natural History Museum -- Part II

Continuing my first visit to the NMNH during my Washington DC trip, Carlos and I were also taken on a tour (by one of our Smithsonian post-doc friends) of the plant collections and herbarium that are behind the scenes (i.e. not open to the public). The back hallways of the museum are a maze and I would have been completely lost without our guide. The herbarium was really huge and amazing -- I even got to look at some of the places where they keep the type specimens. It is an amazing resource for researchers.

Later that night, we were invited to a researcher party held after the museum had closed. It was pretty nice with food and drinks and it was interesting to interact with museum researchers and curators instead of university students and professors. Overall, it was a pretty great day and I knew I would be back to visit the NMNH many more times before my trip's end!

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