Wednesday, September 01, 2010

DC Memorials

Last week, at some point, Carlos and I made a little tour around some of the memorials near the mall. I hadn't visited most of these before -- I think of all the ones we saw, I had only been to the Washington Monument before! We walked from the mall to the Washington Monument first. We didn't ride up in it this time, but it is always a fun sight to see. From there, we wandered over to the World War II Memorial and looked around.

Next, we walked along the Reflecting Pool (it was pretty green and full of mallard and Canada goose poo!) -- it really needs a thorough cleaning.

We were walking up to the Lincoln Memorial when the skies opened up and it started pouring rain. We made it inside just in time, but a lot of other people there were soaked! It was fun to see huge Abe and we walked through all of the memorial (I didn't know it had a downstairs room).

From the Lincoln Memorial, we walked over to the Korean War Memorial. I think this is one of the newer memorials and it is very nicely-done. I liked the sculptures a lot.

After seeing all of the sights in this part of town, we walked back towards the mall and spied a little rotunda -- the World War I Memorial. It was kind of off the beaten path, but very nice.

Eventually we made it back to the metro station and zoomed back home. This was a nice way to see some of the sights in Washington DC that I had never had the time to look at before!

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

You should check out the FDR memorial. It's on the western side of the tidal basin over by the cherry tree walk. A little out of the way but one of my absolute favorites.