Yesterday I found a baby sloth (the 3-toed kind: Bradypus variegatus) on the forest floor. When I found him, he was lying face-down and clutching a leaf. At first I thought he was dead, but he was just a little dazed since he fell out of his tree--he must have grabbed a loose leaf and his weight took it down. He was lucky and nothing seemed to be broken, in fact he assumed his "theat posture" with both arms up and claws out. I could have touched him, but that's not a good idea with wild animals (especially ones with very strong pointy claws). Carlos and I managed to transfer him onto a woody vine that would get him back up in the canopy and once he started climbing he zoomed up the tree. Cool!
Oh yea, yesterday I was also stung by a scorpion (the nasty brown and yellow kind). It was hiding in my pants and stung me on the butt! I can't even believe that...first a bee stings me on the butt during our family vacation in Hawaii a few years ago and now this! It hurt pretty bad and I am told that it is worse than the sting of the bullet ant here (so named since its sting feels like you've been shot--allegedly). Oh well, I didn't even have to go to the hospital, but my butt was numb all day!
PS. Carlos killed the scorpion with his shoe after it stung me--what a nice guy!
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