Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 7--ATBC day 2

On the second day of the conference I really wanted to hear the keynote talk this morning (there are 2 keynote talks given by world-renowned tropical biologists each day: one in the morning and one in the evening). I arrived at the Centro Cultural Universitario at 8am for the 8:30 talk entitled “Ecological theory, political reality and the role of agroecosystems in a new conservation paradigm.” I enjoyed the talk and it is always interesting to see what the big-name biologists look like in person after getting a mental image from reading their papers and books! I spent the morning attending the Ecological Theory symposium (which was very popular and crowded).

I again ate lunch in the conference venue (a good sandwich on a baguette this time!) and for dessert we had popsicles--I ate two: horchata and pistachio. They were really good. After eating, I listened to talks in the Ecology and Conservation of Mammals oral session and enjoyed one talk on white-lipped peccaries. I spent the last half of the afternoon in a symposium on the use of agricultural landscapes in conservation and reforestation.

I met up with a big group of people (La Selva friends and UM friends) for early dinner around 7pm. We walked a short distance to Café Virrey, a café that bordered the main square and cathedral area. Here I ordered one of the more adventurous local foods on my trip: charolitos frescos de Patzcuaro. These are translated as “tiny fried lake fish (from the nearby Patzcuaro lake).” Other people at the table said that these were delicious and that I should try them--they would help me eat them. They were good (salty, battered fishies) but too spiny, bony, and full of exploding eyeballs for my taste. I also had a cream of avocado soup which was better. A couple of us went to a gelateria for dessert afterwards and I had a tasty mascarpone gelato.

This evening’s special event organized by the ATBC was a symphony within the cathedral which was very nice to see and hear. They played some classical songs and even had a special organ-playing guest for one song. This was a nice, low-key way to end the night.

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