Friday, August 10, 2012

Capital Bikeshare

Yesterday I signed up for the bike rental program here in DC -- Capital Bikeshare.  I bought a year-long membership (since Carlos and I will be here for at least one more year), which was only $75.  It is pretty great -- I should receive my little key-card in about a week and then I just go to a station, take a bike, ride around to where I need to go, and return it to another station.  If the ride lasts for less than 30 minutes, it is free.  If it lasts for an hour, it will cost an additional $1.50.  I am really excited to try this out once I get my key (and a helmet) and all the places I would ride are under 30 minutes away (so free).  There is also a station really close to home -- about a 3-minute walk away!

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