Tuesday, November 03, 2009

DC -- Natural History Museum -- Part III

Back to the Natural History Museum!! On this trip, Carlos and I made our way past the crowds to visit the rocks and minerals exhibits. Of course we had to make an obligatory stop to see the Hope Diamond. It was sparkly and not in it's white diamond setting, which was nice, but people were going crazy over this thing and all the other big jewels on display!

I preferred to look at the minerals and rocks (rather than the gems and jewelry) so that is where I spent most of my time. They had some amazing specimens that definitely put my rock collection to shame! There were not very many people in this part of the museum (they were all gawking at the jewels!) so it was nice to be able to take my time and look at all of the exhibits. I took tons of pictures -- I have always liked rocks (to which my aforementioned rock collection can attest) and the set-up of this part of the museum was very well-done.

After spending lots of time with the minerals, Carlos and I once again visited the museum's behind-the-scenes collections, but I will post about that later.

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