Saturday, September 26, 2009

Washington -- EMP/Muppets/Sci-fi Museum

Ack! I am really behind on these Washington posts, but I only have a few more to go before I can post about more current things. Anyway, Mom, Dad, Carlos, and I visited Seattle one morning to see the Muppets Retrospective exhibit in the EMP (Experience Music Project). I had never been inside the EMP or the Science Fiction Museum (in the same building) so this was a great chance to see both while visiting the Muppets. Unfortunately, no pictures allowed, but I did manage to take a photo of one of the police cars ("spinners") from the movie Blade Runner.

The Muppets exhibit was nice but a little small. I saw an original Kermit, Ernie, Bert, along with a bunch of sketches and storyboards from many of Jim Henson's projects. After seeing the Muppets, I spent a little while looking at all the sci-fi stuff -- there were some really great things there! My favorites were the costumes from Dune and Blade Runner and the prop weapons from Star Trek and Aliens!

After our museum visit, we all walked past the Space Needle and ate some lunch at Westlake Pavillion before heading home. We had a really fun time!

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