Saturday, January 12, 2008

Animal house

Sheesh, things have been pretty crazy around here the past few days. Yesterday I gave two talks to school groups here (a welcome talk and a research talk) and managed to fit some work in between. The weather here has been really beautiful too -- no more floods! The sun has been out and the forest is really peaceful.

Last night was a little crazy -- our house was invaded by animals! I was sitting on the bed and I kept hearing a commotion on the roof near the little windows at the top of the room. At first I thought it was a crazy bat (and Carlos thought it might be a huge moth). It was really going crazy flapping around and hitting the wall and then we saw some yellow feathers and saw that it was a bird. The bird kept flapping loudly and hitting the windows but we thought it would eventually go away. It flapped again and -- hello! -- a little bird head came in through the roof! Before we knew it, the bird was inside the room flying all over the place! We eventually caught it with our mosquito net and put the little guy outside. It was quite exciting.

After that, Carlos saw a little dark mouse walking around the kitchen. I didn't see it and the mousie went outside after that. Man, what is going on? We will bring a sherman trap home tonight to try and catch it (these are live traps so don't worry, we won't hurt little Ratatouille).

Here are some pictures from the past few days:

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