Monday, May 26, 2008

Harlequin treefrog

This morning, on my way into the station I noticed a little multicolored blob in the corner of a window on the library. When I looked a little closer, I noticed that it was a little sleeping treefrog! This species is called the harlequin treefrog (Hyla ebraccata). I think that this one was a female (since she was about 4 cm long) and she was really cute and didn't mind me taking a few pictures of her. After a couple of minutes, I let her get back to her nap.


Jubie said...

Wow, you see the coolest things on your commute in to work. :)

Goombella said...

I may have frogs, but you have MOOSE! Heehee I really miss stepping in moose poo all the time in the snow...errr...maybe not. :)