Monday, May 19, 2008

Ritter Sport marzipan

Along with some tea and hot chocolate, I brought back a whole bunch of candy goodies from the states. Candy is especially icky here in Costa Rica (I have no idea why, but the chocolate tastes like wax and all other candies just taste like plain sugar) so I don’t eat any treats for dessert, unless I’ve brought some back from the US. I went a little chocolate bar crazy when I was at Target -- they were having a sale so I had to stock up!

My favorite chocolate bar EVER is this one:
...the Ritter Sport dark chocolate with marzipan bar. I love almond flavored things (but I don’t like to eat almonds in nut-form...weird!) and I really like marzipan. This chocolate has lots of sweet almond paste covered with dark chocolate that matches nicely -- yum! The bar is comprised of 4 rows of 4 chocolate squares apiece. I usually eat one row after dinner for dessert (if I am not too full from dinner). This isn’t a super-common chocolate, but you can find it in many grocery stores (or Targets) in the states.

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