Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My first paper!

Yay, I just received some great news -- my first paper has been accepted for publication! This paper describes a side-project on bird and ant-mediated seed dispersal of a ginger species. I still have to make a few revisions and send them back to the editor, but the reviewer comments were really positive and revision shouldn't take too long. I am so happy!


Jubie said...

Wow, that's awesome! The published Kup -- excellent. What publication will it be in? And now I bet you can google yourself and you'll show up even more! (Oh what fun.) ;)

Goombella said...

Thanks dude! It will be in a tropical biology journal called Biotropica -- pretty much only read by scientists. Heehee, it will still be a looong time before it reaches the print version, but I get to put it on my CV!