Monday, October 29, 2007

Jurassic Park

Lat night I watched Jurassic Park -- the original movie not the less awesome 2nd or 3rd installments. The first film is a really great movie and was such an amazing technical feat at the time which still looks amazing today. The story and cinematography are so excellent that not once do you think of the dinosaurs as fake robots or digital images. My favorite parts of the movie are when the 2 cars are being attacked by the T. rex (after he escapes from his paddock and eats the goat) and when the 2 kids are being chased in the kitchen by Velociraptors. I had forgotten how much I really loved this movie. I remember seeing it at least a couple of times in the theaters in Alaska when it came out.

I had forgotten that the park is supposed to be on a small Costa Rican island...interesting. I think that Kauai (where they filmed the movie) and Costa Rica do look very much alike, but some scenes make you wonder if anyone did research before making the movie. In one scene, Nedry (the bad guy who mucks up the park to steal dino embryos) is eating lunch in San Jose which looks like a lovely place near a beach with lots of palm trees. It looks way nicer there than the real San Jose (which is nowhere near the is in the middle highlands of the country!), but hey it works for most people I bet. Anyway, if you've never seen Jurassic Park or haven't seen it in a while you should check it out!

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

I didn't realize there was a second and third installment. Sheesh! But I think I still have the original on videotape. How cool am I?!