Monday, October 15, 2007

Miami in two days

Meh, I am not all that excited to be back in Miami soon, but I will be able to get a lot of things done when stateside. Here is a list of "business" things I will be up to during my trip:
* Meeting with Mike (my advisor)
* Give talk to my lab group (during our lab meeting on Monday)
* Have my annual committee meeting (also Monday, right after the lab meeting)
* Get a haircut (my hair is waaay too long and heavy might grow mold soon!)
* Buy supplies to bring back to Costa Rica (notebooks, flagging tape, etc.)
* Turn in receipts for grant money
* Turn in another grant application
* Renew visa
* Buy more pants! (mine are all getting ripped to shreds)

I will also have time for fun stuff:
* See a movie (any suggestions? I have NO idea what is out now)
* Eat out (Thai food, Greek food, Japanese food!)
* Visit Whole Foods
* Drink a Starbucks

Well, that's what I have vaguely planned right now. I should also have a lot of time to write, which is always good (I am starting to write the introduction and methods of my dissertation).

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