Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Miami trip in a week

Wow, I leave for a short trip back to Miami one week from today. I am going to be there from 17 - 24 October to bring back supplies, check in with my advisor, have a committee meeting, and renew my visa. Blah, I am not really looking forward to going back, but at least it will be productive. The only thing I am excited about going back for is to check out the new, recently-opened Whole Foods store right across the street from the University. I have only been to one other Whole Foods store in Redmond last year for Christmas and it was really cool! There were tons of veggies and snacks and samples -- I definitely ate a lot of those free cheese samples! I hope this one is nice, but if it employs Miamians it will likely be most un-nice (i.e. ruuude). At least this saves me a long walk to the grocery store while I am at UM living in my office!

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

Whole foods usually has a good selection of ready to go foods, perfect for those long days in the office!