Saturday, November 14, 2009

Asian snacks -- Pocky!

Now that I am all finished with my DC travel posts, what should I write about for NaBloPoMo? Ah yes, I still have a lot of leftover things that I have in a folder called "Blog" (appropriate, no?) that I can write about. I will start with a classic Asian snacks post -- I haven't written about those for a while!

I went to Uwajimaya with Shannon and mom when we were home last August; or course we stocked up on snacks! I even took pictures of all the goodies out on the deck so that I could blog about them.

We bought a lot of Pocky: normal milk chocolate Pocky, Men's Pocky (my favorite), and coconut Pocky (that was Shannon's). I really like the dark chocolate Men's Pocky (I have no idea why it is called "Men's"...maybe it is really manly and strong?), but I didn't try the coconut Pocky -- I will have to get my sister's opinion of it. You just can't go wrong with Pocky I think!

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

I'm not sure it's pocky brand but have you tried the pretzel ones? They're delish as well!