Tuesday, November 10, 2009

DC -- Arlington National Cemetery

One grey morning, Carlos and I hopped on the metro and rode it to Arlington Cemetery (only one stop away from our hotel). Arlington is huge, but we followed the signs to the Kennedy graves and made our way through a big crowd of people to see everything. We saw JFK's eternal flame along with the nearby grave markers of Robert and Ted Kennedy.

After that, we walked around looking at the grave markers and making our way towards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. When we arrived there, we saw the guard marching around then we looked at some of the soldier paraphernalia in a little museum.

By this time, it was getting to be the lunching hour so we exited Arlington and rode the Metro into DC in search of food. Overall, I liked Arlington, but I was a little surprised at the loudness and (to me) inappropriateness of a lot of the tourists I saw running around here -- I just didn't think it was right to pose smiling in front of lines of graves...weird.

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