Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am working on a bunch of crafts in my spare time (what's that??) -- in between writing, analyzing, reading, and revising. The only problem is that I want to take pictures and make a post about them on my blog, but then some people might see them (basically the only people that read my blog will be getting some of these things for presents) and then they will spoil their gift surprises for the holidays! It is such a quandary. I have decided that I will take pictures of some things now but I will exercise my self-restraint and not post them until after I have already given presents to people -- wah!

Anyways, partially to save money and partially because I think handmade gifts are awesome, I am giving most of my friends and family handmade gifts for birthdays and holidays this year. There is even a movement in the crafting community where you can pledge to only give handmade things -- not necessarily things made only by you, but other handmade gifts that you purchase directly from the makers (e.g. on Etsy). I think this is a really cool idea and I feel that more thought goes into gifts that people make themselves. Take THAT mega-corporations!

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