Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Food 1 -- Macarons

Today is the first day of July ... that means this is my first entry for NaBloPoMo for July (with the theme of food) -- I almost forgot!

Yesterday, I woke up with a very strong craving for a cookie. Unfortunately I don't have any cookies and we won't be going to town for a few days. The reason I really wanted a cookie was because I had a dream that I was in France wandering around and eating a very fancy type of cookie -- the French macaron (not to be confused with the American-style macaroon made with coconut). I have never eaten a macaron, but I am sure that I would like them. Macarons are made with almonds, egg whites, and sugar. The cookie is comprised of two crispy, but delicate halves that sandwich a layer of sweet filling (a ganache). Macarons come in many, many intersting flavors (e.g. almond, chocolate, anise, lemon, caramel, pistachio, lychee, raspberry, vanilla ... there are to many to list!). One day, I will eat a macaron -- maybe in Paris!
(image courtesy of Laduree)


Anonymous said...

We make those at work...hee hee

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

you should try making one, i can't imagine they would be that hard . . .

Goombella said...

@Shannon: Gimme macaron!!

@adenturoustwentysomething: Baking doesn't happen for me here in Costa Rica (I don't have an oven). There is one in the researchers' lounge on station, but it takes ~3 hours to warm up. I probably also wouldn't be able to find the ingredients in town. Boo!