Sunday, July 06, 2008

Food 6 -- (200th post!) Baked treats

Hey, I've made it to post 200 -- Wow, that's a lot of posts! I hope I can keep this little bloggie going for at least 200 more.

Back to food.

I am not much of a chef (my sister inherited all the chef genes), but sometimes I do like to bake. However, since I have no oven at home and the only oven I have access to doesn’t heat evenly and takes HOURS to get even remotely hot, I never bake anything here in Costa Rica. When I return to the US (and an oven), I plan on baking up some treats so I have bookmarked a few recipes that I’ve randomly encountered online. Here are a few that I really want to try:

• Pumpkin roll (This is the only recipe I’ve made before -- one of my favorite cakes!)
• Green tea cheese cake (I really love green tea anything!)
• Eggnog pound cake
• Marble molasses pound cake
• Gingerbread


Anonymous said...

How about a souffle?...mwa-ha-ha!

Goombella said...

Can we make a pumpkin/chocolate souffle when I come visit? That sounds good -- don't tease! Hehehe.