Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Food 2 -- Cheese

Living in Costa Rica, there are certain foods that are very rare or downright impossible to find. I really don’t mind this, but sometimes I would like to have a treat and a little taste of something different.

The food item that I miss the most is probably cheese. There IS cheese here, but there are only three vague varieties to find easily: cheddar (my favorite of the bunch), “gouda”(really a bland hard white cheese that is not gouda at all), and queso Turrialba -- also known as squeaky cheese. Queso Turrialba is a really tasteless wet, slimy cheese that squeaks against your teeth when you chomp on it. Meh, not my favorite. I really miss goat cheese, feta, ricotta, Dubliner, and many more cheeses (I think cheese may be my favorite food), but I don’t mind not having them now because I know I will be able to eat them once I get back to the states. However, what Costa Rica lacks in delicious cheese, it makes up for in many more ways!

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