Thursday, July 24, 2008

Food 24 -- Agua de Jamaica

Last night I whipped up a batch of agua de Jamaica and here is a picture of the final result:

It was really hard to take a picture that showed how deep red the juice is -- most of my pictures ended up looking like a mere glass of Coke! Anyway, it was really delicious. Carlos and I drank the agua de Jamaica with our dinner -- bacon, avocado, and tomato sandwiches. That was the first time I've ever had bacon here in Costa Rica. For some reason it is really rare and hard to find.


Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

The secret in food photography is in the lighting and the post photo editing on the computer. But shhhh, I didn't tell you that. :-) Oh how I miss agua de Jamaica.

Goombella said...

Yea, my lighting at home is really crappy -- one weenie incandescent bulb in the kitchen -- Heehee. Yay for agua de Jamaica!