Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Agouti of felt

The other day, while working at home, I took a break to make a felt creature. I was on a roll making these back in September when I received The Cute Book from my mom for my birthday. It had been a while since I made anything so I thought I could make a little (cute) felt agouti. It wasn’t that hard to make and I think it turned out pretty nice. Agoutis don’t really have blue eyes though...hey, creative license!

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

So, what do you do with your collection of cute felt creatures? Are they lined up on your desk to play with when you need a break? Are they displayed on a shelf at home? Are they your guests that you have over for an afternoon cup of tea? ;-) Or do you hawk them on the street when you run out of grant money.