Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving -- the aftermath

Well, today is the day after Thanksgiving and the food last night was great. There was a ton of turkey (10 of them imported from the states, to be exact!), mashed potatoes, gravy, cheese platter (woo-hoo!), cranberry sauce, fresh fruits, stuffing, sweet potatoes, ayote (like a pumpkin) pie, wine, and a bunch of other goodies. My favorites were the mashed potatoes with gravy, ayote pie, cheese platter, and cranberry sauce. I can’t believe it -- they actually had cranberry sauce -- and it was the kind from a can! That is my favorite! I ate a lot of food and had a good time with all my friends. There was also a fireworks show and lots of decorations for Christmas. I had a really good time and although I would rather be home enjoying Thanksgiving with my family, it was nice to have something here to celebrate.

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