Yesterday afternoon I went to check one of my seed dispersal depots to track down some dispersed seeds and I noticed something. Hmmm...there is a HUGE tree that fell over...hey...where is my cage? Oh, there is a huge branch crushing one side of it...and it was only missed by the HUGE tree by about 5 cm. Hey, where are my uncaged seeds...there are a few...the rest are...UNDER THE TREE! I got them out and moved them away from this new log. This morning I can't go out to my site because they are chopping the tree with chainsaws and putting guide-wires into other trees to keep them from falling now. It is too dangerous to be around that. What wacky fun! I am just glad that the tree didn't land on my cage, or a peccary, or me!
Yesterday I found some beautiful orchids in bloom. There are tons of orchids all over the trees here in the forest, but these are actually growing on a stump in the lab clearing!

This morning I also saw a really pretty male Curassow (
Crax rubra) sitting in a sun beam and warming up. These birds are so cute with their fluffy feathered heads and they are really big -- turkey-sized (but probably bigger!).
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