Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The forest is closed...again!

Wow, the forest is very flooded, and hence closed, today. This happened previously in July after a night of continuous, heavy rain. The same thing happened last night as Carlos and I were on station until around 9:30pm eating pita-pizzas and cookies with friends at a goodbye party for a couple of researchers. The night was really fun and you could tell that the frogs outside were loving the rain from their loud constant chorusing.

It was still raining this morning and we had to take a motor-boat onto the station since the road was totally flooded. Today is not a very productive field day (I went into the forest even though it was closed, but didn't get very far because of the floods!), but hopefully I can get a good chunk of office stuff/writing done.

PS. This is a picture of a bridge on the path to the river station...usually the water level is at least 10m below the bridge but now it is only mere centimeters underneath it!

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

Yikes! And we thought the flooding in SB was bad . . .