Saturday, November 10, 2007

Future travels

As usual, I am thinking about all the traveling I want to or will be doing in the future. For some reason, I really want to visit Japan. I guess I have always wanted to go there, but for some reason it was never one of the places at the top of my travel list. Greece, of course, is probably my top choice if I could go anywhere. I would really love to visit the ancient sites and nature reserves on the mainland and then spend some time hopping around the islands and beaches. Unfortunately, both of these trips will require a LOT of funds (especially with the dollar plummeting as it is right now). I wonder if I can start getting paid in euros? I am also thinking about a trip to Portugal, Spain, and France. That would be a really great trip and I am definitely going to be in France (Montpellier) in 2010 so maybe I can put that together for then. I know 2010 sounds like a long way off, but that’s when the 5th International Symposium on Seed Dispersal and Frugivory happens (and I will definitely be presenting my research there!).

As for the more recent future, this June I will visit Paramaribo, Suriname for another tropical biology conference (and a little sight-seeing of course) and I will also have my 2-3 week road trip from Seattle to Miami. I will probably also present at the Ecological Society of America conference this August and I think it is being held in Milwaukee, Wisconson. Hmmm...I’ve never been there before, maybe it will be fun? What is there to do in Milwaukee?

Those are my plans for now, but who knows what the future holds? Mwahahaha!

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

My plans:
San Francisco at Thanksgiving
Tanzania next summer
Then . . . .?