Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Last night

Last night there was a going-away party for one of the researchers here. Carlos and I went over to the party (it happened to be next-door...nice and convenient!) for a pasta and salad dinner. The food was good and for dessert we had flan. It was really fun to hang out with the gang of researchers from the station and everyone had a good time.

After coming home, we watched the movie Sicko directed by Michael Moore (of Fahrenheit 9/11 fame). It was a well-done, but super-depressing movie. I have always been appalled by the health "care" system in the states, but to hear some of these stories was horrible. I may want to eventually live somewhere that is not in the US -- wow, it is definitely a worthwhile movie to see. But be forewarned, it will make you angry and want to move to France. Let's go -- they have good cheese!

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