Saturday, March 01, 2008

List 01 -- Countries to visit

I cannot believe that it is already March -- sheesh! This month kicks off another monthly NaBloPoMo (where the goal is to post once a day for every day of the month), which I was inspired to participate in by my friend Christina. There is a theme for each month which I may or may not stick to entirely. The theme for the month of March is lists so I will make one for each post. Let's see if I can keep up with this one!

Here is an easy list of the top countries I would like to visit right now:
1. Greece
2. Japan
3. New Zealand
4. France
5. Spain

I have been battling a little cold recently so I haven't been out in the forest as much as I've liked in the past couple of days, but I'm getting better and that means more adventures to post soon!

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

I recommend moving New Zealand to the top of that list . . . trust me. As for the cold, I might be battling one too, or maybe they're just allergies, it's been really windy lately. Hope you are feeling better! I'll be checking on your lists as I post mine.