Sunday, March 23, 2008

List 23 -- Easter things

Happy Easter everyone! I am not a religious person, but my family has always had fun traditions on Easter. I will list some of my favorite things about this holiday for today's list:

- Dying lots and lots of hard-boiled eggs.
- Waking up on Easter morning to find bunny footprints outside.
- Reading an Easter letter from E. B. with our baskets.
- Preventing the kitties from eating the Easter grass in the baskets.
- Finding plastic eggs in the house with prizes and candies inside (I had green, blue, and purple eggs to look for while my sister had pink, orange, and yellow).
- Eating and sorting easter candy throughout the rest of the day.
- Having a nice family meal at dinner-time.

Unfortunately, there is no Easter bunny here in Costa Rica...instead, everyone goes to church!

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