Friday, March 21, 2008

List 21 -- Four things

My friend Christina tagged me for this list (thanks Christina -- I was having trouble coming up with a list idea for today!):

1) Four jobs that I have had in my life:
- Biology TA at the University of Miami
- Rodent trapper in Everglades National Park and Canaveral National Seashore
- Undergraduate assistant botanical curator in the Museum of Systematics, UCSB
- Cashier/salesperson at Mervyns in Redmond WA

2) Four movies I would/have watch(ed) over and over:
- Terminator
- Aliens
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Spirited Away

3) Four places I have lived:
- Fountain Valley, CA
- Puerto Viejo Sarapiqui, Costa Rica
- Isla Vista, CA
- Redmond, WA

4) Four TV shows that I watch:
(disclaimer: these are all TV on DVD since I have no TV here)
- Alf
- Ducktales
- X-Files
- The Simpsons

5) Four places I have visited:
- France
- Italy
- Mexico
- Peru

6) Four people who e-mail me regularly:
- Mom
- Dad
- Shannon
- Spambots (boo!)

7) Four of my favorite foods:
- Dill pickle
- Baguette with feta
- Tempura
- Pumpkin roll

8) Four places I would like to be right now:
- Japan, looking at sakura blossoms
- Greece, visiting the museums and temples
- Washington, visiting my mom & dad
- Disneyland, eating a Dole Whip

9) Four things I am looking forward to this year:
- Getting near the end of my dissertation
- Road trip!
- Visiting my family at Christmas-time
- Seeing my sister in Las Vegas

10) Four people who should post four things:
- Anyone
- who
- wants
- to!


Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

Yay!!! I had exactly the same thought when my friend Paige posted this list. We're almost there, only 10 more lists to go!

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

I know . . . Unfortunately all the weddings this year are taking up my vacation time. I have three to go to this summer alone!