Yesterday I called my mom and found out that my little kitty Tyler passed away that morning. He lived to be 19 years old (I've had him since I was seven) and died on the same day that Tiffy died one year ago. I really miss him and am glad that he had such a long, happy life with us. Today's list is comprised of little things that I remember about crazy Tyler.
- I named Tye after Mary Tyler Moore (although at the time I had no idea who that was...I just knew of the name and liked it).
- When we lived in CA, he used to jump on people's stomachs from a tall shelf above my parents' bed.
- He never meowed very much when he was a little kitty, but he got more vocal (and loud) when he got older
- Tyler loved purring on cold carrots in a plastic bag. I just don't know about that...
- He loved waiting for someone to turn on the water faucet for a fresh drink.
- He had a fondness for Q-tips tied to the end of a string.
- He really liked Sierra and purred on her all the time.
- He would whine at the glass doors to be taken outside where he would eat grass and then throw up in the house.
- He (and Tiffy especially) loved kitty treats and Cosmic catnip.
Of course there are infinite things that I will miss about him, but these are the things that stand out in my mind right now.
1 comment:
Oh, Tyler was a good kitty. I'm glad he got to have such a long life. (And cold carrots? Really?)
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